New Home Plumbing Contractor – Software Services
October 17, 2022 DHX Software

New Home Plumbing Contractor – Software Services

With over 30 years in the business, our client has grown to be one of the largest residential plumbing-contractors in Arizona. Today the Company is responsible for installing water and waste distribution systems in nearly 7,000 homes per year in the Phoenix and Tucson markets.

Business Problem: The business accepts thousands of new home starts per year from various General Contractors throughout Arizona. For the most part, the general contractors are using the same system to produce those starts yet the subcontractors are generally using something else. The starts and other business process communications come in via email producing both a human labor issue and timing issue among other concerns.

Solution Provided: Working together with the client, we were able to understand the business workflow, the capabilities of the general contractor’s system and the client’s ERP system and provide a strategy and method of approach to integrate the two systems. The first phase was to integrate from the general contractor’s system into the client automating purchase orders, documents and passing scheduling information. Further phases are in process whereby there will be full loop integration and will encompass all facets of the business.

Business Benefits: By integrating the systems the client will be receiving purchase orders in near real-time mode eliminating the need to have humans imputing over 6,000 starts per year. Additionally, the accuracy of the information has been greatly improved. Financial payback on this effort should be less than one year.

Future Efforts: Increase the amount of data that will be received relative to orders. Automation of the scheduling and rescheduling process. Connecting to both suppliers and other subcontractors.